Our Story

Once upon a time I was mom to a beautiful baby boy. In my heart I am still his mom. I still worry if he is eating well or warm enough but I can't fix it if he is not. I pray for him every night but can no longer tuck him in and kiss his little head. So far this fairy tale has no happy ending. I pray that one day it will but for now my heart is to broken to see how it can. This is the past story and the continuing story of the joys and sadness we have experienced and continue to experience as we pursue adoption through foster care

Thursday, September 20, 2012

No visit today. That makes 2 missed visits. Not sure what to make if it considering I found out the reason was she is\was in jail :/
I'm sad for her. How messed up her life is that she can't even last a month out of rehab before getting in trouble. I'm not sure if I mentioned before but bio*mom is a previous foster kid that aged out of the system. So the fact that she is unstable really is not her fault...I know it is her choices that got her baby taken away but it was almost inevitable. How can she be expected to be stable when her whole life was completely unstable.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


So 2 weeks ago we started visits back up at DPS after bio*mom left rehab. Baby G cried the entire time both visits. Both times bio-mom seemed very frustrated after each visit. We were supposed add another visit per bio-mom's request for more visits but they have been unable to confirm with her so we haven't started those yet. Visit today but mom was a no show no call. I am trying not to read into this but she was warned that 2 missed visits would result in visits being canceled until the caseworker reevaluated her treatment plan. I was more than happy to leave DPS with Baby and be able to have a happy baby for the weekend.