Our Story

Once upon a time I was mom to a beautiful baby boy. In my heart I am still his mom. I still worry if he is eating well or warm enough but I can't fix it if he is not. I pray for him every night but can no longer tuck him in and kiss his little head. So far this fairy tale has no happy ending. I pray that one day it will but for now my heart is to broken to see how it can. This is the past story and the continuing story of the joys and sadness we have experienced and continue to experience as we pursue adoption through foster care

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


It has been almost 4 weeks since we were told visits would start back up but we haven't heard a thing since then. Nothing about visits, nothing about family...nothing. I wish I could say no news is good news but I know all to well that is not always the case so we will continue to wait for any news.

On another note our case worker asked if we would consider another placement apparently there are quite a few babies in the system right now they are trying to get placed with foster to adopt families including a set of twins.
It was harder than I expected to say no. Some days I am so done with the system but other days when the drama seems so mild I can't help but think of all the little ones that need someone to love them.

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