Our Story

Once upon a time I was mom to a beautiful baby boy. In my heart I am still his mom. I still worry if he is eating well or warm enough but I can't fix it if he is not. I pray for him every night but can no longer tuck him in and kiss his little head. So far this fairy tale has no happy ending. I pray that one day it will but for now my heart is to broken to see how it can. This is the past story and the continuing story of the joys and sadness we have experienced and continue to experience as we pursue adoption through foster care

Monday, July 2, 2012


So after months of bio-mom being MIA she shows up with lots of lip service about how she is going to work hard and get baby back. Of course it has to be around the same time we made the decision we would adopt if he became available. So far visits have not started back up, the case worker says that untill she sees concistencey she will not start up visits. Bio-mom has been emailing me the last few weeks, it has been realy hard to read/answer them. She has started back up with telling me what I should and should not do when it comes to baby. It's realy hard not to email back "look lady you dissapered and have no idea what he is or is not doing" but I pray for grace and camly ignor all demands and just tell her how baby is doing.
Baby G is doing great. At 9 months he is crawling, standing and will start running any day. We have 2 bottom teeth and looks like we will have more any day now. He loves to eat. He will eat anything set in front of him and wants to feed him self so we are starting to trade the baby food for finger foods. He is very attached to the family and is such a daddy's boy. Friends are amazed at the progress he has made in just a few months. He went from a serious non attached baby to an attached, healthy happy little boy. He does not like to be left alone and loves to be cuddled and rocked to sleep. He loves his blanket and has a hard time sleeping if we forget to bring it with us. His favorite toy is anything he can find that is not a toy, mostly paper. Not quite sure how big he is we go in for a check up next week but at his 6 month check up he had grown 5 inches in just 2 months! and I know he has grown a lot since then. He is in size 4 diapers and 12 month clothes. We love watching him learn and grow and wonder what his furture holds.

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