Our Story

Once upon a time I was mom to a beautiful baby boy. In my heart I am still his mom. I still worry if he is eating well or warm enough but I can't fix it if he is not. I pray for him every night but can no longer tuck him in and kiss his little head. So far this fairy tale has no happy ending. I pray that one day it will but for now my heart is to broken to see how it can. This is the past story and the continuing story of the joys and sadness we have experienced and continue to experience as we pursue adoption through foster care

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

3rd visit in as many weeks since bio*mom went MIA. He has done well the last 2 weeks but today he was very hesitant to go to caseworker. He looked so sad as he watched me drive away. I can't imagine how strange this must be to him having to see strange people at a strange place.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there... I'm another foster mom, with my first placement. I just wanted to encourage you to keep blogging, I will keep checking back hoping to read updates :)
