Our Story

Once upon a time I was mom to a beautiful baby boy. In my heart I am still his mom. I still worry if he is eating well or warm enough but I can't fix it if he is not. I pray for him every night but can no longer tuck him in and kiss his little head. So far this fairy tale has no happy ending. I pray that one day it will but for now my heart is to broken to see how it can. This is the past story and the continuing story of the joys and sadness we have experienced and continue to experience as we pursue adoption through foster care

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Yesterday was the review meeting. I decided just to call in. Mom has infact moved out of the rehab program against everyones recomendations. The case worker is not happy about her moving out and made it very clear to her during the meeting that this meant that baby would not be going home anytime soon. Mom obviously was not happy but apparently not enough to go back to rehab. So I guess we will just have to wait and see. Some days I am so done with the system I just want this to be over...whether he stays or goes home either way I just want this to be done. But then most days I hope that he gets to be part of our family. I know God has a plan I just hope that that plan is for this to be complete soon. Baby G will be our last foster baby our hearts and home just can't handle the rollercoaster ride anymore.

1 comment:

  1. My name is Melissa and my friend Kim and I are starting up a foster care/adoption blog. We want to share stories of foster care and adoption to help inspire others to get involved. We are hoping to help people to open their hearts and minds to foster care. We would love to share your story. If you would like to share it, you can email it to makingbettermemories@hotmail.com. Our blog is makingbettermemories.blogspot.com. You can also send photos if you want. We love to hear stories. Thank you so much, Melissa
